Camps of the Big Cypress Swamp

Within the Big Cypress National Preserve is private property. This property was in private ownership when the Preserve was formed. The law that enabled the forming of the Big Cypress National Preserve allowed for private ownership to remain for those properties that were improved before 1972, when the Preserve was founded. The owners can retain 3 acres and the improved property. Since the improved property is mostly backwoods cabins and a few grass airstrips, the construction of these cabins is as varied and unique as the people that own them. Almost all of these cabins are at least 30 years old, because they existed when the Preserve was formed. A few have been reconstructed, but that is the exception rather then the rule. These properties, although surrounded by the Preserve, have the same rights of privacy and ownership as any property in the State of Florida. The owners of these properties have gone to great effort to construct and maintain them. Most of these properties have a heritage of generations of family use, with strong attachment to the memories that were created through events and continued use of these camps. These camps are owned by people that care about the Big Cypress Swamp, and that have taken a life style, that includes regular use of the Big Cypress Swamp, as families, friends, sportsmen and conservationists.

Early Camp - Whiddens  

Big Pine Lodge


The Diehll Family -  click to see larger picture


Wild Acres

Jack Kavanaugh - click for larger view  

Sam Wood - click for larger picture

Drake's Calusa Airstrip

Six Pack

Wayne Drake & Calusa Airstrip - click for larger picture  

See Six Pack for more information - click for larger picture

(Hamilton) - Sessions

 Original Calusa Camp

Wayne Session's Hamilton camp - click for larger picture  

Calvin Stones camp, now owned by BCNP - click for larger picture

Game Warden


Calusa Camp / BCNP

Game Wardens Camp - State of Florida - click for larger view


NPS New Cabins at Camp Calusa-click for larger view

Bears Den


Red Bug

Owned by friends and sportsmen - click for larger picture


Camp Red Bug - Click for larger picture


Buck Ridge

Click for Information on this Prime Property  

Whidden Camp 3 Generations - Click for larger Picture

This page created March 15, 2002
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If you would like your Big Cypress Swamp camp added to these pages contact Steve