Big Cypress Swamp Gladesman - Calvin Stone, Family & Friends
Story of Early Gladesmen Life - Told in Pictures

Calvin Stone on Swamp Buggy
Calvin Stone - Early Picture on Swamp Buggy
Stone Family starting a trip to Camp Calusa
Stone Family starting trip to Camp Calusa from Everglades Conservation and Sportsmen Club

Calvin Stone's Family Trip in the Cypress

Stone Family Lunch along the Trail to Camp Calusa

Stone Family Lunch along the Trail to Camp Calusa on a cold day

Calvin Stone's Family Trip Stuck in the Mud
Camp Calusa during Calvin Stone's Years

Calvin's Grandson Playing at Camp Calusa

Camp Calusa the Stone Family Relaxing

Calvin harvesting Swamp Cabage

Calvin preparing Swamp Cabage

Camp Calusa Fruit Trees

Early Camp Calusa Water System

Relaxing around Camp Calusa

Calvin's successful Turkey Hunt - Early Years

Calvin and Family ready to leave Camp Calusa

Swamp Deer seen on a Trip through the Woods

Richard Burns - Calvin's Hunting Buddy

Jack Kavanaugh - Calvin's Quail Hunting Buddy

Calvin (right) with his Turkey Hunting Companions

Calvin Stone - On the north side of Camp Calusa - near his end of time in the Cypress
Pictures provided by the Stone Family - Remembrances by Steve December 2013